Sentinel workshop and next-day training
New analytic tools and methods enhancements have unlocked access to more diverse sources of data than ever before, improving the quality of evidence for safety surveillance. That’s why each year FDA and key leaders from across the Sentinel System stakeholder community invite the public and investigators to attend a public meeting on using electronic healthcare data for post market risk identifications and analysis of medical product safety. This year’s 10th annual Sentinel Initiative Public Workshop will take place Feb 7th at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda at 1 Bethesda Metro Center, Bethesda, MD 20814. There is no charge but registration is required.

Investigators and other stakeholders who want more detailed training in using Sentinel are invited to stay in the DC area for an advanced seminar the following day, Feb 8th. Registration is required and seats fill up fast.
Presenters will use example assessments to demonstrate propensity score matching analyses, self-controlled risk interval analyses, and analyses using the TreeScan software. Attendees will get more out of the seminar if they have some background knowledge of Sentinel and have viewed previous workshop recordings available here.