Strategies for Improving Public Understanding of FDA-Regulated Products
Virtual Public Meeting
Thursday, October 5, 2023 | 10:30am-12:30pm eastern
Health misinformation undermines people’s ability to make good health decisions. At the Foundation, we’ve spent the past several months conducting research and consulting with experts to better understand how consumers and other stakeholders find, consume, and perceive health information—especially as it pertains to FDA-regulated products.
We released our report, Strategies for Improving Public Understanding of FDA-Regulated Products, during a virtual public meeting on October 5 where we highlighted our observations and actionable strategies to improve public understanding of the Agency and the products it regulates.
While the strategies were presented for the FDA's consideration, many of the challenges we addressed face stakeholders across the entire health care ecosystem. During this meeting, we covered a variety of stakeholder perspectives on the impact of health misunderstanding, how to get accurate information to stakeholders, and potential opportunities to improve health communication. Plus, we engaged with Robert M. Califf, MD, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, on helping the public access the science-based information they need to use foods and medical products to maintain and improve their health.